Pakistan Tanners Association (PTA) was established in late 50s. Its Central Office is situated at Defence Housing Authority, Karachi representing the leather industry and dealing with the members’ problems at Federal level. Two Zonal Offices namely PTA (Southern Zone) at Korangi Industrial Area, Karachi representing of Sindh and Baluchistan Provinces and PTA Northern Zone at Lahore which represents Punjab Province, NWFP, Northern Area and A.J.K for looking after the affairs of PTA’s members at their respective zonal level.

PTA is now functioning as a renowned trade body duly licenced by the Ministry of Commerce under Trade Organizations Ordinance/Rules 2007, registered with the Security & Exchange Commission of Pakistan and a bonafide member of the Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce & Industry. It is the 2nd largest export earning sector representing highly dynamic and value added industry in leather and leather products besides being job oriented sector. The industry employs about 500,000 people directly, producing fine quality finished leather for export as well as for home consumption. It contributes 5% of GDP and 5.4% to the overall export earnings of the country and is considered to be the most significant sector which plays viable role in revamping economic spectrum of the country.

There are about 800 tanneries in the country, 213 Members currently registered with Pakistan Tanners Association from all over the country are actively engaged in manufacturing and fully geared-up towards promoting export of quality finished leather and leather products on modern pattern as per international demand and are playing their positive role in earning much needed foreign exchange by invigorating country’s export volume. They are courageously prepared to meet the challenges of WTO regime and other global pressures with quality consciousness and full sense of responsibilities to uphold the impeccable image of leather industry within the ambit of national policies, rules & regulations and international conditionality.

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